optimize your greatest business asset:

your mindset.

Join CEOs, founders, and leaders on the path to mental mastery and next level success.

Company founder smiling happy with Band of Misfits business coaching service by Stephen Moegling
green and yellow wheel Band of Misfits logo graphic

Band of Misfits® (BOM for short) is a coaching company and consultancy purpose-built for business leaders who want to make a powerful impact on their businesses, their lives, and the lives of others. 

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misfits get outsize results

  • Stephen Jenkins, founder of Gracist Brands

    Stephen Jenkins

    Founder, Gracist Brands


    Stephen can see in others their true greatness and impact and has a way of helping people reveal their very best. He’s done this with me and with so many others. He lives his mission of helping everybody experience their highest impact and deepest fulfillment.

  • Emily Cox, founder of Big Rabbit Brands

    Emily Cox

    Founder, Big Rabbit Brands


    Stephen is not only a talented CMO but also a true leader. He is insightful, creative, and data-driven - all the traits you want in a marketing leader - but he also possesses the rare leadership skills that keep teams focused, inspired, and supported. Where Stephen leads, growth follows.

  • Christina DeJesus, satisfied graduate of Band of Misfits program

    Christina DeJesus

    President & Co-Founder: Ahma & Co
    Band of Misfits Graduate


    Stephen changed everything for me. I went from having imposter syndrome to knowing I could do anything. Thanks to Stephen’s coaching and personal brand positioning, I am the president of a global healthcare solutions company and co-founder of a fast-growing start-up—and I’m just getting started.

BOM solutions

Peer-to-Peer Roundtables

corporate leader looks at laptop with team
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are you a misfit?

Misfits want it “all”: success, impact, and fulfillment.

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Misfits want to win on their terms: authentically powerful.

Misfits want less stress on their way to the top.

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Calling All Stressed-Out Leaders:
Hey, I’m Stephen.

I founded Band of Misfits® to give stressed-out leaders, owners, and entrepreneurs the tools and guidance they need to win at work and thrive in life.

After all, success without fulfillment isn’t winning. 

Read more ➝

Stephen Moegling, founder of Band of Misfits consultancy firm
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Coming Fall 2024:
Beautiful Day
Home Study

Cast Vision and Create the Roadmap to Success and Fulfillment

The Beautiful Day Roadmap is BOM’s signature coaching framework to guide our clients toward achieving their dream goals and dream lives. 

Get on the waitlist to be the first to know when we launch our home study version.